segunda-feira, maio 16, 2011


It was almost the same thing in Brazil , cause here we had and we still having a sexist thinking that the woman just have to clean the house ,cook , take care of children and things like this. But woman are making their space bigger at labor market and other things that they couldn't do a few years ago. But we don't choose the sex of our child, and this is a stupid culture there.
I agree this doesn't happen in all India, especially with people where the woman is better educate and maybe become a professional, this should be encouraged to them and no one could prohibit them from doing this. But i can't agree with the dowry and the abortion just because they are woman. Aborting is one of the most sad thing in the world , and they do a abort for a such ignorant thought, but in anyway this could happen. The government should apply strong penalties for those man.
I couldn't live in a country like this, normaly I didn't like the India's culture, and now I like it even less. I dont agree in anyway what they do with the body of people dead, the garbage in the streets, I know there is a lot of people , but I also think they don't care about this little things.

quinta-feira, abril 07, 2011

Versalhes' Palace

The Versalhes' Palace is a real château and is located at Versalhes' city, France, in a rural village when it was being built, and today the place is a Paris' suburb.
It was designed by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Louis Le Vau , Charles Le Brun and André Le Nôtre. Construction began in 1623 and finished in 1664, more than 36000 french men and 6000 horses helped. In 1682 , the king Luis XIV took his family definitely to the palace.
It's considered one of the biggest palace in the world. There is 2153 windows, 67 stairs, 700 bedroons and 1250 fire-places. In the beginning it was designed to was a hunting lodge. Internally it's vey luxurious, there is works of arts, gold in the ceiling and in the walls, crystal chandeliers and marble floors.
It is considered World Heritage by UNESCO. It was turned to a museun in 1837. It was used as a center of power ( the king ) during the french absolutism. It's one of the most visited sights in Europe.
In Versalhes you have more options for where visit, there is the Osmoteca, Notre Dame's Church and more. You have to pay to go in , i'ts about € 18,00.

quinta-feira, março 31, 2011

Forever - Ben Harper

" People spend so much time every single day runnin''round all over town givin' their forever away."

People spend a lot of time looking for money , and material things they put this like their future plans and forget to live today. Just a few people look to live with peace , friendships and things like this. We are all driven by media like "buy buy buy buy buy buy " and our social life is throwed away.
People's fellings in many cases are liars , many women and men just get married interested in the bank account or a car , house ... and not like it was formely , they give their " forever " to anyone .
We have to live to someone not to something.

sexta-feira, setembro 03, 2010

My father on his sixteen years old , worked more tan me , he was healthier than me , shorter than me, fatter than me and more pacient. He was busier than me .
His colthes were better than mine , but they were ugly. He didn't get out of home until he got married ( with my mother ). The music were worse than today. He didn't go to many parties at 70's. The datings were more hidden than today's datings.
Nowadays, I work less than him . My colthes are worse than his colthes , but more beatiful than 37 years ago. Today's life is more stressful than he had and sicker than his times.

sexta-feira, junho 25, 2010

Treasure Hunt - Sue Arengo - Oxford University Press 1998

The book talks about a group of people who went camping in a place called Wesh Summer Camp.
There was a house where one member of group called Becky , finded a map . The map indicated two gold mines. In the next day , Becky and Paul went for a walk and took with their the map . Before they founnd the mine, they had to found red flags. They were finding the flags and each had an orientation to find the next one. They found a lot , so they sit down to rest a little and have a snack. It started to rain , so they came in a cave. Paul sit down in a rock and ate his sandwich while Becky went for have a look . Becky didn't came back then Paul came to her. They fell in a hole and couldn't come back, they pass through some places until they found a old mine. Beck saw a clarity up and starts to dig , the found a medium piece of gold while they were digging. They left of the old mine and came back to the camping , there they show the gold to their friends. And that's the book's end.
I liked the book but , he's a little bit short . Could be more big, counting more specifically.

sábado, junho 12, 2010


My friend and me want to go to LA. But we have to wait our Italian citizenship to be ready.
We don't know exactly when we going to go there , but maybe in 5 years , we have to get money (next year i need to look for a job) , do the passport and principally study. We are going to there by plane. The company is uncertain. The idea is stay in hostels , because is very cheap. We want to stay there average six months or a year, to study, work, and if all goes well we come back to Brazil and some day later come back to stay for a long time.We're looking forward to the trip.
Los Angeles is the entertainment capital of the world .The City also sits squarely at the center of many global enterprises, including the fashion industry, the culinary arts, international trade, science, medicine, technology, and the visual and performing arts. The United States' second largest city, Los Angeles is also one of its most diverse. And every part of town offers plenty of sun, shopping and sightseeing.

segunda-feira, maio 31, 2010

This is a photo where I was confirmand my cousin ( his name's Vanglês [o.0]) . This photo was take in November 29th, 2009 in São Cristóvão church my aunt took the photo. On my side there's a man who couldn't stop talk and laugh ( the one with beard) , all the time he was laughing. You can see two grandmothers getting ready for the mass ( the right side of the photo).And the left side ,you can see clearing me. This photo is in my orkut, where many people of school laugh of my face .